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Saturday, November 19, 2005

Its been a very sad week for the wrestling world with the passing away of Eddie Guerrero, aged just 38.

Eddie 'Latino Heat' Guerrero 1967-2005 I've got so many fond memories of Eddie Guerrero- the wrestler. He was one of my favourite cruiserweights in WCW. My brother and I were real hardcore fans of Monday Nitro and Thunder- we always watched it over WWF/E. Eddie provided us with some classic matches and hillarious moments over the years. Everytime I think of the LWO, it puts a huge smile on my face.

My fondest memory of all though stems back a few years to British Wrestling's Revival show in 2002 at Crystal Palace. Eddie at this point had hit rock bottom in life. He had been fired by the WWE, had become seperated from his wife and had been addicted to prescription drugs and alcohol. When he arrived in England, he was now clean and was beginning the long road back, which in his mind, would hopefully lead to getting his job back with the WWE. Crystal Palace was a long, long way from where I would eventually meet him next.

I was assigned the role of being Eddie Guerrero's cameraman for the night. When fans wanted an "official" photo with Eddie, I was the guy who took all of them...I must have taken hundreds that night. He was a class act throughout and we got chatting quite a bit during each photograph.

I remember asking him about WCW and a little bit about his recovery from his "addiction" - I remember he said he was only here "through the grace of God" and to me, he seemed thankful that he had been given almost a "second chance" in life.

Even after taking hundreds of photos that night and even when everyone was in a rush to get the show running- he still took the time to take one last photo with me, which I still have on my wall to this day.

Eddie At His Charming Best Last year I was fortunate enough to go to New York for WrestleMania XX. I met Eddie once again at the Hall of Fame dinner- a special event commemorating wrestlers of a bygone age.

He looked up at me...pointed...and said something I will never forget - "Hey...You look familiar Homes..." in the same sly latino voice he uses on-screen.

As I shook his hand, I mentioned I was from the UK and he suddenly recalled me from the Revival show, without any prompting whatsoever.

That's the Eddie Guerrero I will remember the most...not only as the wrestler who gave so much to the business...but as the man who recalled something so insignificant as meeting a fan years before.

The following night, Eddie achieved his life long dream and won at Wrestlemania, retaining the WWE World Championship. He cried in the middle of the ring as his re-united wife and 3 daughters watched from their ringside seat.

I stood along with 20,000 others and gave him a standing ovation in Madison Square Garden in New York. Eddie had finally reached the pinnacle of his wrestling career. After hitting rock bottom, no one could have forseen just how Eddie picked up his life again and reached not only the top of his profession, but his personal life too.
Eddie Captured The Gold at MSG in NY
His catchphrase was all about "Lying, cheating and stealing" - but in truth, he was never really the bad guy. He talked openly about his problems with drugs and alcohol in the hope it would help others in the same situation. What makes the story even more tragic was Eddie celebrated 4 years of being "clean" last week...unfortunately his past caught up with him this weekend and his body finally gave in to the abuse Eddie had given it over the years.

As just one wrestling fan who got to meet his "hero"...I will never forget him.

I just hope that in death, Eddie somehow achieves the inner-peace he never truly managed to find in life...

Viva La Raza!


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